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Breathe Deep, Release & Again

I was up at the crack of dawn and at the hospital for another scan this morning, this time an ultrasound scan. I am sure that after 1 year and 4 months of navigating the halls of the hospital and especially the 2nd and 7th floor (X-ray, Ultrasound, MRI, CT Scans) and (Neurology) I could do it blindfolded now. I actually recognize faces and know which assistants are the bitchy ones and know the nice ones by their first names. I also know who is good at inserting the IV needles and who is efficient at taking blood!

This particular scan was a follow up on the lesion that was discovered on my hepatic artery last year. Yes, it has taken almost an entire year to follow up. It is likely nothing to cause concern, and that is why no one has jumped on doing anything about it, just another incedental finding when searching for secondary issues due to the BST (Brain Stem Tumour) last summer.

My new Neurologist ordered this test rather than a CT because of my reaction to the contrast in the CT Scan. She is ruling out any secondary issues that may be causing me to experience the syncope (fainting spells) that I have been living with. I recently had to undergo an echo cardiogram and wear a holter monitor to rule out any wankiness from my heart. She also performed a lumbar puncture to rule out any leaking BST fluid or other cerebral fluid or neuro cancer cells.

I had to fast for this scan, and as anyone who has ever had an ultrasound knows, they are fairly easy tests. This one however took 2 hours. The table was cushy, the lights were dim, it was early, my blood sugar was low due to the lack of food and I may have dozed off for a few seconds a couple of times because of that or it may have been the fact that every 6 breaths or so the technician would tell me to take a deep breath, hold it for 30 seconds and release...then do it all again. I have syncope, I am not sure this is productive! It makes me dizzy.

The last stages of the scan she broke out the big wand and pushed way too hard for my liking. It is a good thing I had an empty stomach. Have you ever had someone push on your sternum really hard for a long time? Made me feel like I might vomit. Maybe it was because I have a spare tire around my middle these days and it was hard to get a good view of what she was looking for, but she certainly pushed down hard. Then, she called for the Head Tech to come in and have a go at it as well. I have a bruised sternum and rib cage today. Seriously! Results will be available in a day or two. I have a follow up in August with my Neurologist, if I hear from her sooner than that, then I know I may have a problem Houston!

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